Trump Nominates Pence Ally To Oversee Medicaid

Surghar Daily

Tom Price has been nominated by President-electr Trump to be the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, and Seema Verma, to be the head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Given their background, policy analysts, such as Joan Alker and Emily Beauregard, have expressed their concerns in regards to having these individuals in charge of healthcare.

Policy analyst Joan Alker, with the Georgetown Center for Children and Families, finds it worrisome.

In a written statement, Verma said unequivocally that she played no role in HP’s contracts with the state. He also said that while he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, he would replace it with something better. Price has advocated severely cutting Medicaid funding, and Alker worries that cuts and more stringent requirements under Verma would mean people will lose the health insurance.

The plan devised for IN, she argued, does that by preparing the able-bodied to move into private coverage after their Medicaid coverage ends. “I think he’s heading in the right direction”.

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