Nightly Business Report – February 6, 2017


The Nightly Business Report expanded on whether the business world will be significant in terms of Trump’s administration decisions, especially with regards to repealing the Affordable Care Act.

JOAN ALKER, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY: If you don’t pay your premium on time or you don’t get your paperwork on time, even if you go back and say, I’m going to pay my premium, you’re actually locked out of the program for six to 12 months.

COOMBS: Republicans in Congress are looking to rein in federal funding for Medicaid. But in the states, even some Republican governors like Indiana’s Eric Holcomb have questioned that those cuts will have a big impact on their budgets.

ALKER: What happens to the Medicaid program writ large for example if spending is capped potentially could layer on top of an ACA repeal. That will simply be a huge cost shifts to the states.

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