These Are All The People The Republican Health Care Bill Will Hurt


By: Dylan Matthews

The actual policies contained in the American Health Care Act — the Obamacare repeal-and-replace bill that the House is voting on Thursday — would help some Americans a lot. The biggest winners are households making $250,000 a year or more, who would see two different taxes targeting them repealed; households with millions in investment income would come out particularly far ahead.

“Within your elderly group, you have the young and old, 67-year-olds and 85-year-olds, and the latter are much more expensive,” Alker told me. A state like Florida, which has a large senior population, could see costs rise fast as its population ages with time. But a per capita cap wouldn’t keep up with that. To get around that, the state might be motivated to kick off older seniors and focus enrollment on younger ones.

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