State Debate: GOP Rep. Gallagher Cited For Bipartisanship; Foxconn Still Occupies the Commentators

The Cap Times

Columnist Bill Kaplan, writing on WisOpinion, gives a shout-out to Wisconsin’s 8th District Congressman Mike Gallagher for exhibiting solid signs of bipartisanship in tackling some of the country’s knotty problems. Gallagher, for example, has joined 42 other Republican and Democratic members of Congress seeking a bipartisan approach to fixing health care, a huge step away from the polarization of the past few months.

In a column for Urban Milwaukee, Wisconsin Budget Project’s Jon Peacock questions the cost each new job at the proposed Foxconn plant in southeast Wisconsin will cost Wisconsin taxpayers. Even if the new plant creates 13,000 jobs, he writes, each one will cost taxpayers up to $500,000 each.

Read more here.