176,000 Pennsylvania Children’s Health Care at Risk as CHIP Funding Lapses

York Dispatch

By: Jason Addy

As Republican lawmakers made one final push to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act at the end of September, federal funding expired for almost 9 million children and teens covered by the Children’s Health Insurance Program.

Despite lawmakers working to re-fund the program, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children President and CEO Joan Benso said she’s not confident the federal money will come in before the state runs out of its reserves.

“I don’t think we should feel sure that Congress will conclude their work in a timely way,” she said.

Benso said she believes CHIP funding “got stuck in the crosshairs of the bigger federal health care debate,” leaving states “in the lurch.”

“I think they let the clock tick out in another attempt to do repeal-and-replace and amend Medicaid again.”

Read more here.