Georgetown University CCF Welcomes Edwin Park

Many readers of SayAhhh! already know the amazing health policy work of Edwin Park from his time at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities (CBPP). For those of you who don’t, you are in for a treat as Edwin joins our team here at Georgetown CCF as a Research Professor at the McCourt School of Public Policy. Edwin’s first day is March 1, and we are sure that he will begin blogging for SayAhhh! shortly thereafter…

Edwin has two decades of experience working on Medicaid, CHIP, Medicare, tax policy, and the Affordable Care Act, of course. A lawyer by training, Edwin has delved deeply into the financing systems of Medicaid and CHIP. He is also a leading expert on Medicaid funding for Puerto Rico, prescription drugs, and Health Savings Accounts among other topics.

Prior to working for many years at CBPP, Edwin worked at both the National Economic Council in the White House and for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee. He and his wife, Helen Chen, have three children and live in the Bay Area. Edwin will continue to work remotely from his home in California, and thus will create a new “CCF West” outpost.

We are thrilled to welcome Edwin to Georgetown University CCF and to have the opportunity to take advantage of his expertise. Our state and national partners will benefit as well. Check back here to keep track of Edwin’s work.