Just Three Months After Congress Gave Children’s Healthcare A 10-Year Lifeline, Trump Reneges

Los Angeles Times

By: Michael Hiltzik

Those of us with long memories — defined in this turbocharged world as memories that date back more than 90 days — will recall that one of the biggest cliffhangers of that bygone season involved the funding of the Children’s Health Insurance Program, or CHIP.

The CHIP funds aren’t central to the program’s spending — some are contingency funds and some are excess appropriations. But they’re crucial nonetheless, according to child health expert Joan Alker of Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families. “Congress has really tried to send a message that CHIP is well-funded and well-supported,” Alker observed Tuesday. Trump’s actions undermine that message. (States contribute to CHIP, but only about 8% on a nationwide basis.) She’s right about that.

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