Poor SC mothers, children’s health care at risk with new Medicaid mandate, study says

The State

By: Maayan Schechter

S.C. Gov. Henry McMaster “enthusiastically” will pursue a waiver that would require able-bodied, working-age adults on Medicaid to get a job or volunteer if they want to keep their health care coverage, his office said Wednesday. However, a new study says the health care of close to 200,000 low-income South Carolinians could be at risk if the federal government approves that proposal.

Eleven S.C. counties — Allendale, Bamberg, Barnwell, Chester, Clarendon, Fairfield, Lee, Marion, Marlboro, Orangeburg and Williamsburg — have high rates of Medicaid use and a jobless rate of more than 6 percent, said Joan Alker of Georgetown University. Ten other states have applied for Medicaid waivers. Waivers have been approved in four states — Arkansas, New Hampshire, Indiana and Kentucky, all which expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. Requests are pending in Arizona, Kansas, Maine, North Carolina, Utah and Wisconsin.

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