Is the U.S. Health Care System Trending the Wrong Way?


By: Dan Diamond

Youth uninsured numbers: going up. ACA enrollment: sharply down. Life expectancy: still sliding. A series of recent reports are showing cracks in the nation’s public health, and it’s not clear if the Trump administration’s policies are helping. “To borrow Ronald Reagan’s line, is the health care system better off than it was two years ago?” Larry Levitt of Kaiser Family Foundation noted to PULSE. “It’d be hard to answer yes.” Among the warning lights in the past week:  Key populations are losing coverage: About 276,000 more children were uninsured in 2017 than the previous year — the first spike in a decade, despite the strong economy. “The welcome mat has been pulled back and we see the result,” Georgetown Center for Children and Families’ Joan Alker told POLITICO last week.

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