2016 Maps

The interactive maps and data for 2016 provide information on the percent of adults and children covered by Medicaid and/or CHIP.You can embed these maps on your website by selecting a state on the left then copying the embed code on the right side of the map and pasting it into a post on your website.

Percent of Children Covered by Medicaid/CHIP by County, 2012-2016

Percent of Adults Covered by Medicaid by County, 2012-2016

Percent of Children Covered by Medicaid/CHIP by Congressional District, 2016

Percent of Adults Covered by Medicaid by Congressional District, 2016

Estimated CHIP Enrollment by Congressional District, 2016

Rural Maps

Interactive Map: The Percent of Children in Small Towns and Rural Areas Covered by Medicaid, 2015/16

Interactive Map: The Percent of Adults in Small Towns and Rural Areas Covered by Medicaid, 2015/16