Pediatricians and CCF Release 2019 State Snapshots on Children’s Health Coverage

We’ve continued the tradition we started three years ago with our colleagues at the American Academy of Pediatrics to create state snapshots that focus on the valuable role Medicaid and CHIP fill for children. These snapshots provide details on who’s covered by Medicaid and CHIP in each state and how Medicaid/CHIP fit into the overall coverage landscape for children. These easy-to-understand short summaries reflect on how Medicaid/CHIP support healthy development and help children succeed in school and life. They also note the importance of Medicaid as an economic driver in state economies.

The snapshots focus attention on the fact that our nation’s success in covering children is slipping backward, given the increase in uninsured children in 2017 and the decline in Medicaid/CHIP child enrollment in 2018. The snapshots reinforce the importance of protecting children’s health coverage. We hope our state and national partners find these snapshots useful in their work to educate policymakers and other stakeholders about the importance of Medicaid and CHIP coverage to children’s health and well-being.