Children’s Uninsured Rate Rises by Largest Annual Jump in More Than a Decade

[Editor’s Note: This report is now published here.]

After reaching a historic low of 4.7 percent in 2016, the child uninsured rate began to increase in 2017, and as of 2019 jumped back up to 5.7 percent. This increase of a full percentage point translates to approximately 726,000 more children without health insurance since the beginning of the Trump Administration and the number of uninsured children began to rise. Much of the gain in coverage that children made as a consequence of the Affordable Care Act’s major coverage expansions implemented in 2014 has now been eliminated.

On Friday, October 9, the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families will release its 10th annual state-by-state report examining this alarming trend. You may download a preview of the report below.

 [Embargoed until 12:01 a.m. Friday, October 9, 2020]