The Rate Of Uninsured Children Is Creeping Up Across Colorado And The US, And Hispanic Kids Are Even Less Likely To Be Insured

Colorado Public Radio

By: Claire Cleveland

In 2019, there were about 58,000 kids in Colorado who were uninsured. That’s nearly the population of Grand Junction. Rewind to 2015 and a historic low of 2.5 percent, or an estimated 33,000 children in Colorado, were uninsured, according to data compiled by the Colorado Health Institute. In 2016, the nation also hit a record low of uninsured kids at 4.7 percent. But the rate has been steadily increasing… A new study from Georgetown University shows the number of kids across the country without insurance has been growing since 2016 when the national rate was 4.7 percent. In 2019, it was 5.7 percent — that’s an increase of about 726,000 kids nationwide. Including Colorado, 29 states experienced statistically, significantly adverse changes in the rate or number of uninsured children between 2016 and 2019.

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