Medicaid Unwinding Federal Reporting, Strategies/Policies, and Data by State

The analysis on this page is part of a larger suite of Medicaid unwinding data. Please visit our “Unwinding the PHE” landing page to view more.

This tracker examines whether the following information can be found on the state Medicaid or state Marketplace website or in public documents: 1) the state’s unwinding plan or a summary;  2) communications materials/toolkits for partners; 3) an unwinding FAQ; 4) whether the state plans to launch an unwinding data dashboard or data has been released publicly; and 5) the state’s renewal report submitted to CMS. For a closer look at states’ unwinding data, see our unwinding data tracker.

Download a copy of the unwinding tracker with links to documents and/or webpages HERE.

Download a copy of the unwinding tracker with links to documents and/or webpages HERE. Visit CCF's Unwinding the PHE resource page for more information.