What is happening with Medicaid renewals in each state?

The analysis on this page is part of a larger suite of Medicaid unwinding data. Please visit our “Unwinding the PHE” landing page to view more.

This interactive chart shows outcomes of Medicaid renewals since the lifting of the COVID related continuous enrollment requirement on March 31, 2023, making April the first month in which states could begin disenrolling individuals. States were given the option to begin the “unwinding” process in different months with the first disenrollments processed in April, May, June, July, or in the case of Oregon, October. To ensure comparability across states, the charts below use renewal data states are required to submit to CMS on a monthly basis. States with more months of data are posting or sharing their unwinding renewal data reports publicly before CMS releases 50-state data at the national level. The charts will be continuously updated throughout the unwinding period as additional data become available. [Editor’s note: Some states may include revised reports. Starting in February 2024, state-specific data may include both unwinding renewals, or renewals conducted following the end of the continuous enrollment condition, and “regular”, or non-unwinding renewals.]

All Renewals Due: This chart analyzes the outcomes for all renewals due in the months for which data is available. The blue shaded bars reflect the number of individuals whose coverage was successfully renewed while the red shaded bars show the number of individuals who were disenrolled. The gray bars indicate pending renewals that had not been processed as of the end of the month due. Successful renewals consist of those that were completed automatically (known as ex parte), where eligibility is determined through available data sources without requiring action by the enrollee, or from information submitted by an enrollee if the state was unable to confirm eligibility on an ex parte basis. The “ineligible” category captures renewals that were completed but the individual was found ineligible for Medicaid. Procedural disenrollments occur when a renewal cannot be completed due to missing forms or information needed to determine ongoing eligibility. The chart can be sorted by type of renewal outcome, and hovering over the data will give the share of renewals reflected in that data point. The denominator in this view is total renewals due.

Original and Updated Renewal Outcomes: This chart compares original and updated reporting on renewal outcomes for all renewals due in the months for which data is available. Updated reporting reflects the outcomes of pending renewals. The blue shaded bars reflect the number of individuals whose coverage was successfully renewed while the red shaded bars show the number of individuals who were disenrolled. The gray bars indicate pending renewals that had not been processed as of the end of the month due. Successful renewals consist of those that were completed automatically (known as ex parte), where eligibility is determined through available data sources without requiring action by the enrollee, or from information submitted by an enrollee if the state was unable to confirm eligibility on an ex parte basis. The “ineligible” category captures renewals that were completed but the individual was found ineligible for Medicaid. Procedural disenrollments occur when a renewal cannot be completed due to missing forms or information needed to determine ongoing eligibility. Hover over the data to see each outcome as a percentage share. The denominator in this view is all renewals due.

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Disenrollments: Ineligible vs. Procedural: This chart shows  disenrollment outcomes (i.e., ineligible versus procedural disenrollments) as shares of total disenrollments, which is the denominator for this chart. Data are cumulative for all available months with the reporting months reflected in parentheses next to the state name and the total number of renewals due for those reporting months on the right side of the bars.