Healthy Kids Need a Healthy Democracy: The Role of Enrollment Assisters in Nonpartisan Voter Registration Efforts

By: Maria Bobrowski-Artola

In the realm of public health, there is a growing recognition that civic engagement is not just a societal responsibility but a vital component of overall health. 

With National Voter Registration Day on the horizon, we have a unique chance to make a significant difference in the health and well-being of our communities. A growing body of research demonstrates that communities engaged in civic activities enjoy better health outcomes.1 By incorporating nonpartisan voter registration into health services, we address a key social determinant of health—our capacity to influence the policies that affect our daily lives and futures. 

The health sector can play a pivotal role in this dynamic by integrating nonpartisan voter registration support into their services. By assisting individuals with voter registration, they are not only encouraging civic participation but also empowering people to have a say in the decisions determining their health and the health of their children, families, and communities. 

Enrollment assisters, who are already experts in guiding families through the complexities of accessing health coverage, are uniquely positioned to support voter registration efforts as well. Just as these professionals help families navigate enrollment in Medicare, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), they can also assist with nonpartisan voter registration. This approach supports the overall well-being of families, recognizing that civic participation is integral to healthy communities. 

The Department of Health and Human Services has consistently affirmed the connection between voting and health. Healthy People 2020 highlighted civic participation as a crucial component of their Social Determinants of Health topic2, while Healthy People 2030 has underscored this importance by setting a Core Objective to “increase the proportion of voting age citizens who vote.” This emphasis on civic engagement reflects its vital role in fostering overall well-being.3 

Further supporting this, the Health Resources & Services Administration has issued federal guidance noting that “health centers have discretion, to the extent permitted by applicable law, to support non-partisan voter registration efforts as a means of reducing barriers to civic engagement within the communities they serve.”4 This guidance reinforces the idea that integrating voter registration into health services can effectively bridge the gap between healthcare and civic participation, ultimately contributing to healthier and more engaged communities. 

1 Nelson C, Sloan J, Chandra A. Examining Civic Engagement Links to Health: Findings from the Literature and Implications for a Culture of Health. RAND Corporation; 2019. (highlighting the association between civic engagement, including voting, and improved community health outcomes).

2 Healthy People 2020, “Social Determinants of Health,” accessed August 20, 2024,

3 Healthy People 2030, “Objectives and Data,” accessed August 20, 2024,

4 Health Resources & Services Administration (HRSA), “Voter Registration Requirements,” accessed August 20, 2024,

Working with over 400 partners, 700 participating hospitals and clinics, and 50,000 health professionals, Vot-ER is one solution to bridging the gap between community voices and the policies shaping those communities. 

Our commitment to a healthy democracy directly impacts our youngest and most vulnerable members of society. Children depend on us to advocate for their safety and well-being through both policy and practice. When we participate in the democratic process, we are not just voting for our own interests but also voicing the needs of our children and their futures. This National Voter Registration Day, let’s strengthen our communities by helping our neighbors register to vote and by educating ourselves about the upcoming elections. 

Join us in celebrating National Voter Registration Day on September 17th. Together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up in a community that values their health and their voice. 

Toolkit for National Voter Registration Day:

[This is a free nonpartisan resource.]


Maria Bobrowski-Artola Partnerships and Policy Manager at Vot-ER. Vot-ER, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization develops expertly crafted and secure tools and programs that streamline the voter registration process, making it a natural extension of the care families receive.
