March Research Round Up: What We’re Reading
This blog was originally posted on the Georgetown Center on Health Insurance Reforms’ CHIRBlog. This March, we had to reconcile the anniversary of a landmark health law with the anxiety and grief caused by the growing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. As we celebrate the 10th year of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), we also look to researchers to help…
Navigating Coverage During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Frequently Asked Questions
[This post by our partners at the Georgetown University Center on Health Insurance Reforms focuses mainly on questions about Marketplace coverage. Medicaid and CHIP provide even more affordable health coverage options to those who qualify. You can can learn more about Medicaid and CHIP coverage here.) The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) has been the cause of…
Lack of ACA Navigator Funding Leads to Consumer Confusion, Decreased Enrollment
Open Enrollment is over in most states, and enrollment numbers are down slightlyfrom 8.8 million plan selections on for plan year 2018 to 8.4 million plan selections for plan year 2019. Navigators thought the 2018 Open Enrollment was challenging, after a slew of policy changes including massive Navigator grant funding cuts, shortened enrollment period, 90 percent cuts to federal…
New Georgetown Report: Insurance Brokers’ Perspectives on Changes to Individual Health Insurance
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) ushered in a range of consumer protections designed to make it easier for individuals to obtain affordable, adequate health insurance in the individual market. In many states, however, individual market consumers have faced increasingly limited plan choices, relatively narrow provider networks, and rising unsubsidized premiums. In the past year, policy…