More States Move to Expand Continuous Eligibility for Children and Adults in Medicaid
Waiver authorities granted through Section 1115 demonstrations are meant to be experiments that serve the objectives of the Medicaid program—namely, promoting access to health coverage. But what exactly does this look like? In some very welcome news, there has been a recent uptick in the number of states requesting to expand continuous eligibility through Section…
Oregon’s 1115 Medicaid Waiver Request is a Mixed Bag
State seeks to become the first to provide continuous coverage to all children enrolled in Medicaid until age six while continuing to restrict children’s access to health care by continuing to deny them the EPSDT benefit package provided to children in all other states. After months of engaging stakeholders, Oregon has posted its draft…
Biden Administration Takes Further Action to End Barriers to Medicaid Coverage
Nearly six months ago, the Biden Administration initiated efforts to withdraw work reporting requirements in the eleven states with approved section 1115 Medicaid waivers. Now, the resolution many have been waiting for is almost entirely complete. On August 10, Ohio, South Carolina, and Utah all received letters from CMS formally withdrawing their work requirement waivers.…