Comments on Federal Regulations

  • Responding to Trump Administration’s Troubling Medicaid Financing and Supplemental Payment Rule

    On November 18, 2019, the Trump Administration issued a proposed Medicaid “Fiscal Accountability” rule that seriously threatens to upend state budgets and reduce beneficiaries’ access to needed care.  The proposed rule, if finalized, could thus harm Medicaid beneficiaries, including children and families, as well as their health care providers, in most states. As Cindy Mann…

  • Section 1115 Medicaid Waiver Comments

    Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families contributes an independent perspective to the public dialogue on the future of Medicaid through the lens of children and their families.

  • Comments on Proposed Changes to the Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control and Payment Error Rate Measurement Programs

    Attached are the comments we submitted to CMS on the Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control and Payment Error Rate Measurement Programs rule.

  • CCF Comments on Mental Health Parity Requirements (CMS-2333-P)

    The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families submitted the following comments to CMS regarding the proposed rule to update mental health parity requirements (“Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Programs; Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) of 2008; the Application of Mental Health Parity Requirements to Coverage Offered by Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, the Children’s Health…

  • Affordable Care Act: Legislation, Regulation and Guidance

    Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families contributes an independent voice to the dialogue on how to most effectively make the promise of the Affordable Care Act a reality for children and families.

  • CHIP: Legislation, Regulation and Guidance

    Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families conducts research and provides recommendations on the most promising ways to to protect and improve children’s coverage, the important role CHIP plays in the coverage landscape, and the best ways to sustain and build upon the program’s successes.

  • Medicaid: Legislation, Regulation and Guidance

    Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families contributes an independent perspective to the public dialogue on the future of Medicaid through the lens of children and their families.