Unwinding Continuous Coverage
Unwinding Wednesday #7: Key Data to Monitor Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection (Part 1)
The ninth webinar in our unwinding series with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities focused on three sources of data to monitor the impact as states begin to process disenrollments once the Medicaid continuous coverage provision is lifted. We discussed 1) the data that states have been required to report as part of the…
HHS Secretary Becerra Extends the Public Health Emergency into 2023
HHS Secretary Becerra has declared that the COVID-19 public health emergency is extended for another 90 days through January 11, 2023. This means that February 1, 2023, is the earliest that the Medicaid continuous coverage protection would be lifted and states could begin to disenroll people after completing a full renewal and review of ongoing…
Unwinding Wednesday #6: Communications Toolkits Offer a Variety of Messages and Materials to Help Mitigate Coverage Losses
This week on Unwinding Wednesday, we are digging into the communications materials and toolkits found on our 50-state Unwinding Tracker – arguably one of the most critical elements of the tracker for ensuring individuals with Medicaid coverage are adequately prepared for the unwinding. The development of comprehensive communications materials by state Medicaid agencies is vital…
Unwinding Wednesday #5: Application Processing Times Provide Insight into State Capacity to Manage the Medicaid Workload
In last month’s Unwinding Webinar Part 9, we covered the performance indicator and supplemental unwinding data that will be helpful in monitoring the impact of unwinding the Medicaid continuous coverage protection at the end of the public health emergency (PHE). I often talk about call center statistics being the canary in the coal mine. But…
Unwinding Wednesday #4: PHE Unwinding Related FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs are a popular way to provide information based on the types of questions people most frequently ask. But like all types of communications, how well FAQs convey information depends on the audience and how easy the content is to understand. In our 50-State Unwinding Tracker, we have found 28 states…
Unwinding Wednesday #3: State Plans Provide a Glimpse into Unwinding Process
This week in our Unwinding Wednesday blog series, we unpack an element of our 50-state Unwinding Tracker that has been a top issue since discussions about the end of the continuous enrollment protection began: state unwinding plans. In the initial December 2020 guidance, CMS advised states to develop and document a comprehensive plan for eligibility…
Unwinding Wednesday #2: Alert to Update Contact Information Most Common Unwinding Information Found on State Medicaid Websites
Last week, we launched our new 50-State Unwinding Tracker, which reflects whether states have posted key information or documents for preparation of the end of the public health emergency and the lifting of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection. In the coming weeks, we plan to lift up additional information that can be gleaned from the…
New Unwinding Resources and our “Unwinding Wednesday” Blog Series Kickoff
Today, CCF posted new resources relating to the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection after the public health emergency (PHE) ends. We’re also kicking off our “Unwinding Wednesday” blog series, which will focus on planning, implementation, and monitoring of the unwinding. Tips and Best Practices Updated In August 2021, we released our Unwinding Tips…
An Estimated 3.8 Million Eligible Children Could Lose Medicaid Due to Administrative Churn During the Unwinding
The Office of the HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released new projections of the number of people likely to lose Medicaid after the COVID-related continuous coverage protection is lifted at the end of the public health emergency (PHE). Similar to other analyses, ASPE estimates that about 15 million people, including 5.3 million…
CMS Spotlights State Strategies for Protecting Continuity of Health Coverage when PHE Lifts
As planning for the eventual unwinding of the COVID-19 related Medicaid continuous coverage protection continues, CMS has made significant efforts to provide additional tools and flexibilities to smooth the process for states and promote continuity of coverage. One such effort is allowing states to request time-limited waivers, authorized under Section 1902(e)(14)(A), to assist Medicaid agencies…
New CMS Resource is a Helpful Summary of Requirements for Unwinding the Continuous Coverage Protection
Over the past year and a half, CMS has released a variety of guidance, slide decks, tools, templates, and other resources on the unwinding of the continuous coverage provision. After a while, it can be pretty daunting to keep up with everything. Thankfully, the agency made it easier to find these resources by posting all…
Secretary Becerra Will Extend the PHE Again, What Does This Mean for Medicaid’s Continuous Coverage Protections?
[UPDATE as of August 16, 2022: HHS Secretary Becerra signed an extension of the Public Health Emergency on July 15, 2022. With less than 60 days before the end of the current PHE, which runs through mid-October, it is expected that the PHE will be renewed again as the Biden administration did not issue a…
Federal Fiscal Relief Funding Offset More than Twice the Cost to States to Maintain Medicaid Continuous Coverage
A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) estimates the COVID-related increase in federal Medicaid and CHIP funding will exceed the cost of maintaining continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees as required under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The analysis estimates that between January 2020 and September 2022, states will receive approximately $100.4 billion…
American Academy of Pediatrics and Georgetown University CCF Urge PHE Extension to Protect Children from Losing Medicaid Health Coverage
In an opinion piece for The Hill, American Academy of Pediatrics President Dr. Moira Szilagyi and Georgetown University Center for Children and Families Executive Director Joan Alker explain why it is so critical for the Biden administration to continue the public health emergency beyond July 15. An estimated 7 million children nationwide are at considerable risk…
HHS and CMS Request FCC Opinion on Text Messaging by Contractors and MCOs
HHS Secretary Becerra and CMS Administrator Brooks-LaSure have formally asked for an opinion from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding whether certain text messages and automated, pre-recorded telephone calls to individuals’ cell phones are permissible under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA). Prior rulings from the FCC have confirmed that neither federal nor state governments…
Call Center Statistics: The Canary in the Coalmine When the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection is Lifted
As consumers, we all know how frustrating it can be to try to get help for some issue only to find that there is a lengthy wait just to talk to someone. Now consider how much more frustrating it would be if you work in a frontline position in service, retail, or hospitality industries and…
Lessons from the Pandemic: Children’s Coverage Improvements
As readers of SayAhhh! know, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment is at an all-time high with close to 86 million people – covering half of the country’s children. Children and adults on Medicaid are protected by the continuous coverage provision including in the Families First Act (link to explainer) that prevents states from disenrolling anyone involuntarily.…
Once Again, Secretary Becerra Extends the PHE: What Does This Mean for the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection?
[Editor’s Note: Read the latest on the public health emergency Medicaid continuous coverage protection here.] It’s no surprise that HHS Secretary Becerra has renewed the COVID-related public health emergency (PHE) until July 15, 2022, since the Biden administration did not signal an end to the PHE 60 days in advance of the April 16, 2022…
CMS Shares State Reporting Requirements on PHE Unwinding, but Will the Agency Share State Reports with the Public?
We’ve been expecting CMS to release a template for states to report key baseline and monthly data that is needed to monitor the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection, but we got more than that with today’s release. CMS will also require states to complete and submit a form that summarizes the state’s approach…
Medicaid and CHIP Eligibility and Enrollment Policies as of January 2022: Findings from a 50-State Survey
Executive Summary Enrollment in Medicaid has grown significantly during the coronavirus pandemic. Provisions in the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) require states to provide continuous coverage for Medicaid enrollees until the end of the month in which the public health emergency (PHE) ends in order to receive enhanced federal funding. Continuous enrollment has helped to preserve…