Unwinding Continuous Coverage

  • CMS Releases Guidance on Unwinding the COVID-19 MOE

    States and stakeholders now have the long-awaited CMS guidance on advance planning in Medicaid and CHIP for the end of the public health emergency (PHE). There’s a lot to digest in this 54-page State Health Official letter (SHO). It discusses what happens to the various pandemic-related authorities and waivers and what states must do to…

  • Secretary Azar Extends Public Health Emergency Medicaid Protections for Beneficiaries and States

    [Editor’s Note: For more up-to-date developments on the status of the public health emergency read CCF’s latest blog post on this topic.] On Friday HHS Secretary Azar renewed his declaration of a public health emergency (PHE) due to the coronavirus pandemic.  The renewal is effective October 23, when the previous 90-day renewal would have expired,…