Congress Must Act Quickly on CHIP

As regular readers of SayAhhh! know, funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) will expire on September 30, 2017. Medicaid and CHIP have worked together to bring the nation’s uninsurance rate for children down to a historic high of 95%. Whether the country will continue moving forward on this critical question is a key […]

The Children’s Health Insurance Program

Georgetown University’s Center for Children and Families conducts research and provides recommendations on how to sustain the successful children’s coverage program and to build upon its success.

CCF Hosts Webinar on Medicaid and CHIP Financing

After months of vowing to repeal the Affordable Care Act, Congress and the new administration are now signaling that they’re not going to stop there. Policymakers are already talking about capping or block granting Medicaid and holding up needed funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program. Such changes would leave states struggling to meet the […]

How Should We Be Thinking About CHIP in the New World Order?

Recent press accounts have noted that Republicans are thinking about using the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) as a bargaining tool to entice Democrats to vote for health legislation that replaces the Affordable Care Act (ACA). CHIP’s funding expires on September 30, 2017, which means that Congress must act soon to ensure that it continues […]