Federal Funding Cuts to Medicaid May Trigger Automatic Loss of Health Coverage for Millions of Residents of Certain States

Despite virtually no discussion of Medicaid during the election, Medicaid is facing proposals for significant reductions in federal funding. My colleague Edwin Park has already detailed some of the discussion around these cuts – which are being considered in service of facilitating an extension of tax breaks, the majority of which would go to the […]

How Covering Adults Through Medicaid Expansion Helps Children

Opponents of Medicaid expansion often argue that enacting expansion will harm “traditional” Medicaid beneficiaries including children. This brief cites studies finding the opposite is true. Studies have documented multiple positive effects for children of expanding coverage for parents and other adults including higher child coverage rates, lower rates of infant mortality and higher birthweights, and […]

CMS Approves Five More States to Adopt Medicaid Multi-Year Continuous Coverage for Young Children As Threats to Coverage Loom

Yesterday, CMS approved a set of another five state 1115 waiver demonstration applications to adopt multi-year continuous eligibility for children in Medicaid. Four states (Hawaii, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania) were approved to adopt continuous eligibility for children in Medicaid from birth to age 6; Colorado was approved to implement for children up to age […]