Unwinding Wednesday #4: PHE Unwinding Related FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions or FAQs are a popular way to provide information based on the types of questions people most frequently ask. But like all types of communications, how well FAQs convey information depends on the audience and how easy the content is to understand. In our 50-State Unwinding Tracker, we have found 28 states […]

Oregon Leads the Nation By Covering Children in Medicaid from Birth to Kindergarten – Which State Will Be Next??

The Biden Administration announced today that it will approve Oregon’s request to provide continuous Medicaid coverage to children from birth through age five and for two years for all Oregonians enrolled in Medicaid age six and up. This use of Section 1115 authority is precisely what Medicaid demonstrations are for — as we and colleagues […]

Assessing the Potential Impact of the Inflation Reduction Act on Federal and State Medicaid Prescription Drug Spending

The Inflation Reduction Act (P.L. 117-169) did not include any drug pricing provisions directly affecting Medicaid.  But as I have previously written for the Commonwealth Fund, Medicare drug pricing reforms can interact with the highly effective Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, under which drug manufacturers must pay sizable rebates to state Medicaid programs that significantly lower […]

Congress Could Consider Medicaid and CHIP Drug Pricing Provisions

The Inflation Reduction Act (P.L. 117-169), signed into law on August 16, 2022, includes historic Medicare drug pricing provisions such as a requirement for Medicare to directly negotiate prices with drug manufacturers for certain high-cost drugs and a requirement that drug manufacturers pay rebates to Medicare if their prices rise faster than inflation. Unfortunately, the […]

Child Uninsured Rate Declined During the Pandemic Thanks to Medicaid

New data from the American Community Survey (ACS) released today by the U.S. Census Bureau suggests that the continuous coverage provision of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (which prohibits states from disenrolling anyone involuntarily from Medicaid during the duration of the federal COVID-19 public health emergency), has resulted in the child uninsured rate stabilizing and […]