An Estimated 3.8 Million Eligible Children Could Lose Medicaid Due to Administrative Churn During the Unwinding

The Office of the HHS Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released new projections of the number of people likely to lose Medicaid after the COVID-related continuous coverage protection is lifted at the end of the public health emergency (PHE). Similar to other analyses, ASPE estimates that about 15 million people, including 5.3 million […]

Coalition Recommends HHS Take Steps to Improve Medicaid Waiver Process

Section 1115 Medicaid waivers drive a large and growing share of Medicaid spending. Currently, 46 states and D.C. operate some or all of their Medicaid programs under section 1115 demonstration authority. Many of these waivers promote coverage; others undermine it, and in the process, the Medicaid program. Unfortunately, the federal regulations governing section 1115 waivers […]

CMS Reminds States EPSDT Requirement Includes Behavioral Health, Offers Specific Strategies

Medicaid’s pediatric benefit, Early and Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT), is getting more attention from federal officials. As part of its child health-focused release yesterday, CMS released a new Informational Bulletin reiterating EPSDT’s requirement to cover screenings and medically necessary treatment for children’s behavioral health, mental health and substance use disorders. The timing is […]

Children’s Health and Well-Being Get Much Needed Attention from CMS this Week

CMS made three big announcements yesterday, drawing attention to ways Medicaid and CHIP can support children’s health and well-being. The first two announcements are sub-regulatory guidance documents, essentially bringing together all of the existing state options and best practices on behavioral health and school-based health. Sub-regulatory guidance doesn’t include new policy, but rather aims to […]