
  • ACA Repeal Would Also Impact Kids Who Get Health Coverage Through Parent’s Employer

    We often talk about how Medicaid is the MVP for children’s coverage – and it is – covering 37 million children today in Medicaid directly plus over half of children whose coverage is paid for by CHIP, for a total of 42 million kids. But if you look at public and private sources of coverage,…

  • House GOP Medicaid Provisions Would Cut Federal Medicaid Spending by $560 Billion Over Next Decade

    By Edwin Park, CBPP The House Republican health plan would shift an estimated $560 billion in Medicaid costs to states over the next ten years, effectively ending the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Medicaid expansion for 11 million people while also harming tens of millions of additional seniors, people with disabilities, and children and parents who rely on…

  • New CCF Fact Sheet Shows Medicaid Provides Needed Access to Health Care for Families

    Our new fact sheet summarizes research on access to care in Medicaid. We find that children and parents who rely on Medicaid for health care receive coverage that is comparable to private insurance and far better than the access accorded uninsured families. Children covered by Medicaid and those with private insurance access health care services…

  • Medicaid Fact Sheets

    Snapshot of Children’s Coverage by Race and Ethnicity: Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are primary sources of health coverage for children. These programs are particularly important to children of color, who are disproportionately represented among beneficiaries because they are more likely to be economically disadvantaged. How Restructuring Medicaid Could Affect Children: More…

  • Medicaid Provides Needed Access to Care for Children and Families

    Research shows that children and parents who rely on Medicaid for health care receive coverage that is comparable to private insurance and far better than the access accorded uninsured families. Children covered by Medicaid and those with private insurance access health care services across a variety of measures at comparable rates, while children who are…

  • Arizona Medicaid Waiver Amendment Does Not Include Analysis of Impact on Budget and Individuals

    Arizona will shortly be submitting an amendment to its existing Section 1115 waiver that includes some very major and unprecedented changes to its Medicaid expansion such as the imposition of a work requirement (which has to be verified on a monthly basis!), and a five-year life- time limit on Medicaid benefits. The state also seeks…

  • 7 Questions Congress Should Answer Before Messing with Medicaid

    Ok, all you Schoolhouse Rock fans, let’s sing along: “I’m just a Bill. Yes, I’m only a Bill. And I’m sitting here on Capitol Hill. Well, it’s a long, long journey to the Capital City It’s a long, long wait while I’m sitting in committee.” That was true in 1976, when Bill made his debut.…

  • Top Five Ways ACA Repeal and Medicaid Financing Changes Would Harm our Youngest Children

    Editor’s note: We at Say Ahhh! are getting a lot of traction around our “top 5s” on Medicaid cuts and the impact of ACA repeal and Medicaid financing changes on child welfare. So we thought we should continue the trend and focus on young children. We are grateful our colleagues at CLASP agreed to join…

  • Nation’s Success in Covering Children is in Peril

    House Republicans recently released an outline of their plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act and today an earlier version of the bill they were drafting was leaked. While the leaked bill is likely an old draft, both of these documents confirm what I have suspected was coming — while repealing and replacing…

  • Radically Restructuring Medicaid Would be Bad for Kids

    While most press coverage has focused on repealing the Affordable Care Act and scaling back the Medicaid expansion for adults, a less well-known but extremely damaging effort under consideration by Congress would radically restructure Medicaid financing. Proposals would do this through a block grant or per capita cap designed to save money by limiting federal contributions. (Kaiser just put…

  • How Restructuring Medicaid Could Affect Children

    More than one-third of America’s children rely on Medicaid for their health care, and more than half of Medicaid recipients are children. Medicaid’s existing structure has helped states respond to every economic downturn, natural disaster, epidemic or innovative treatment since the program was enacted in 1965. As recently as last year, Congress put forth proposals…

  • Growth In Medicaid Spending Per Enrollee Is Low

    A new fact sheet from the Commonwealth Fund, “Essential Facts About Health Reform Alternatives: Block Granting Medicaid,” makes compelling arguments about the dangers of block granting Medicaid. States would receive a fixed, preset amount of federal funds that would not change if the number of enrollees increase or if the cost of services rise. This…

  • State Snapshots of Children’s Health Coverage

    As Say Ahhh! readers well know, Medicaid and CHIP are a primary source of coverage for children, particularly the most vulnerable children. But even people who know the importance of our public coverage programs are often surprised to learn key statistics about Medicaid and CHIP. For example, did you know that: 57 percent of all…

  • Medicaid, CHIP, and ACA State Snapshots

    How Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA Cover Children Children’s health insurance coverage has reached historic levels in the United States, thanks to Medicaid, CHIP, and the ACA. The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) created factsheets for the nation as well as all 51 states (including the…

  • TANF, CCDBG Demonstrate That Block Grants And Per Capita Caps Won’t Work For Medicaid

    By Suzanne Wikle and Jessica Gehr of CLASP Congress is reportedly again considering proposals to change the fundamental structure of Medicaid, including by turning it into a block grant program or providing fixed allotments per recipient (“per capita caps”). Such proposals have been made repeatedly over the years, but consistently rejected. However, other programs with…

  • Arizona is Trying to Impose a Lifetime Cap on Medicaid Coverage

    By Jesse Cross-Call, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities Arizona will soon send a proposal to the federal government to place a five-year lifetime limit on Medicaid coverage for adults under 65 who don’t have a disability. The government should reject the proposed time limit, which would lead to coverage losses and increase hardship among older, low-income…

  • Cutting Medicaid Would Hurt Public School’s Efforts to Improve Student Success

    The School Superintendent’s Association just released a survey documenting the concerns that superintendents and other school leaders have about Congressional plans to cut Medicaid spending. CCF spoke with Sasha Pudelski, author of the report Cutting Medicaid: A Prescription to Hurt the Neediest Kids, about the impact Medicaid cuts would have on students and schools.  Can…

  • Affordable Care Act Repeal Efforts Would Impact State Laws, Too

    By Kevin Lucia and Katie Keith, originally posted on CHIRblog With much of the attention over ACA repeal efforts focused on Washington DC, it’s easy to forget that repeal-and-replacement efforts would significantly affect state approaches to insurance regulation. This is especially true in the 32 states and D.C. that have adopted state-level ACA protections. While…

  • Medicaid Fulfills Crucial Role for Children with Special Health Care Needs Like My Daughter

    My daughter Caroline is alive because of Medicaid. The medications, the equipment and the nursing care that have helped us manage her severe disability would not be possible without the federal program’s support. Now, with Congress and the White House considering cuts and restructuring for Medicaid, it’s important to consider children like Caroline. We welcomed…

  • Federal Medicaid Cuts Would Be a Double Whammy for Vulnerable Young Children in Texas

    Lately, we’ve been laser focused on potential threats ahead at the federal level. But as state legislative sessions start anew, it’s a good reminder that policymaking swirls ahead in state capitals as well. As our friends at Texans Care for Children described, last year’s Medicaid therapy cuts in Texas are already shutting out some young children…