Outreach Brings Access to Health Coverage and Peace of Mind

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Donna Cohen Ross

Outreach Director, Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

One year ago last Thursday, President Obama signed the Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act (CHIPRA) into law.  The President’s words that day reinvigorated a nationwide effort to ensure that children have the health coverage they need.

We have made significant strides since then, as CMS details in a new report. Despite grim budget conditions, states have expanded coverage, streamlined enrollment procedures, and stepped up outreach efforts.  And, when the weak economy generated increased need, Medicaid and CHIP rose to the challenge, covering 2.6 million previously uninsured children last year.

My memory of last year’s bill-signing got me thinking about two incredible people who exemplify the challenge that lies before us:  Greg Secrest and Ann Walker, both from Martinsville, a once-robust manufacturing town in southern Virginia.  Greg used to work for a furniture manufacturer, but was laid off when the company moved overseas.  Without health insurance or a job, Greg found help at Project Connect (a program funded by the Virginia Health Care Foundation and Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation), where Ann, an outreach advocate, helped dispel his skepticism about CHIP and signed up his two sons. 


Invited to the White House CHIPRA signing ceremony last year, the entire Secrest family traveled to Washington to join the President and other distinguished guests.  President Obama mentioned the Secrest family in his remarks saying:  “Let’s give Americans the support they need to weather this crisis… In the end, that’s really all that folks like the Secrests are looking for — the chance to work hard and to have that hard work translate into a good life for their kids.”

I called Ann and Greg last week for an update. Ann is still working hard to help unemployed families find the help they need.  “Anywhere there’s a door,” says Ann, “I’m still sticking my toe in. I’m a nagger.  I’m a stalker.” 

Greg gives Ann high praise: “If I could give Ms. Walker a medal, I would. She gave me peace of mind.  Because of her, I have health insurance for my children and I don’t have to worry when my kids go out to play.”  That had been a motivating force — Greg’s 16-year-old had wanted to play football and join ROTC, but his parents worried about what would happen if he got injured and didn’t have health insurance.

Martinsville has the state’s highest unemployment rate, at over 20 percent. With many more companies downsizing or shutting their doors, Ann keeps sticking her toes in where she has to — Stanley Furniture, Stuart Flooring, CP Films, even Food Lion.  She has been invited by the local Virginia Employment Commission to be a part of the “rapid response team” that visits firms laying off workers to give them swift access to information about applying for available benefits.  As Ann points out, the VEC visit may be her first, but it’s rarely her last.  It may take awhile to reassure parents that Medicaid and CHIP aren’t “handouts” — they were designed to help people get through tough times like these. 

Greg Secrest is now a full-time community college student with his eye on a business degree.  His wife, Rileen, found a part-time job keeping the books for a biodiesel company.  CHIP coverage has helped enormously.  During the year, a football injury sent one son to the doctor.  Sinus medicine for the other would have set the family back $50 or $60 if it hadn’t been for insurance.  The Secrests have renewed CHIP coverage for their boys, although they needed Ann once again to troubleshoot when the paperwork they submitted got lost.

To build on last year’s progress, on CHIPRA’s anniversary, Secretary Sebelius issued a new challenge: Cover the remaining 5 million uninsured children who are eligible for Medicaid and CHIP in the next five years.  To do that, we’ll need many more Ann Walkers, with their unrelenting spirit and willingness to stick their toes in lots of doors — but they’re going to need more help from us as well.  We need to redouble our efforts to reduce the paperwork barriers that keep eligible children from getting and keeping coverage.  We need to acknowledge, as Secretary Sebelius did, that Recovery Act funds have been instrumental in bolstering state finances and protecting Medicaid from cuts.  Convincing Congress to renew that support is absolutely critical.  

Finally, we can’t forget that it’s not just children who need coverage. Greg Secrest didn’t mince words when he said, “We as a country need good health reform.”  Despite his family’s trials, Greg remains an optimist.  “There’s a light at the end of the tunnel; we just have to go a little further to see it. It will get better.  I want my kids to know that.” 

As we ended our phone call, Greg said he especially wanted to thank everyone who worked for health coverage.  I just want to thank Ann and Greg for sharing their stories of perseverance with all of us.  

The views expressed by Guest Bloggers do not necessarily reflect the views of the Center for Children and Families.

(Editor’s Note:  Ann Walker is pictured above helping families access affordable health coverage for their children.  She is one of the many hard-working outreach workers helping families secure coverage for their uninsured children.)