Strategies to Address Alarming Decline in Children’s Health Coverage

In this blog series, CCF Executive Director and Research Professor Joan Alker previews her ninth annual report on children’s health coverage and examines the alarming increase in the number of uninsured children after years of bipartisan success in reducing the child uninsured rate.  Research Professor Tricia Brooks — a policy expert and former state CHIP director  — explains evidence-based policies available to policymakers to prevent more eligible children from losing health coverage and recommends actions states can take now to enroll or re-enroll children eligible for Medicaid/CHIP.

Alarming Trend Emerges for Children

Why Are There More Uninsured Children and What Can We Do About It? 

Fostering Enrollment

How Can Policymakers Stop More Children From Losing Health Coverage and Regain Enrollment Momentum?

Policy Options: How to Regain Momentum on Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment

Outreach and Consumer Assistance

Boosting Outreach and Consumer Assistance to Regain Enrollment Momentum

Leveraging Technology

Maximizing Use of Technology to Regain Enrollment Momentum in Medicaid

State Administration

Improving State Administration and Procedures to Regain Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment Momentum for Kids
