New CMS Guidance Encourages State Demonstrations to Improve Transitions into the Community for Individuals Released After Incarceration

On April 17, the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), issued new guidance sharing a new opportunity for states interested in improving transitions from state incarceration to the community. The grotesque racial inequities in justice-involved populations, combined with abrupt transitions back into community settings without health supports after incarceration, lead to poor post-release health […]

McCarthy Bill Would Radically Change Disability Standards for Medicaid and Reduce Coverage for Persons with Disabilities

As my colleagues Joan Alker and Edwin Park recently discussed, Section 321 of Speaker McCarthy’s debt ceiling bill, passed on a party-line vote in the House on April 26, 2023, would impose mandatory work reporting requirements on Medicaid nationwide, burdening states and worsening the health of millions of people. The Congressional Budget Office estimates this […]