Resources to help keep eligible children and adults enrolled in Medicaid as the pandemic-era continuous coverage provision has expired.
Medicaid Managed Care: Results of the PHE Unwinding for the Big Five in Q3 2024
Another quarter, another round of earnings reports from the “Big Five.” The story of Q3 continues the basic narrative of Q1 and Q2. For all but one of the companies that dominate the Medicaid managed care market, net Medicaid enrollment continued to decline, driven primarily by the PHE unwinding. There is one new wrinkle, however.…
Child Uninsured Rate Increases Slightly: Full Impact of Medicaid Unwinding Not Yet Evident
Check out your state’s numbers on our state data hub. Every year we look closely at the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey health insurance coverage data to see what is happening to coverage rates overall and especially for children. The data, which are released in early September, reflect survey responses collected in the prior…
New Report Explores Insights from Medicaid Unwinding on How to Protect Children’s Coverage
The Urban Institute and Georgetown CCF have released a new report highlighting ways to improve the Medicaid/CHIP redetermination process for children emanating from key lessons learned during the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection. These insights are based on interviews of representatives in 8 state Medicaid agencies, offering a unique perspective directly from the…
CMS Gives Options to States with “Unusual Circumstances” to Extend Unwinding Renewals, Redistributing Renewals, and Deal with Pending Renewals
CMS has released new guidance for states that are not yet done with the unwinding. Due to the unprecedented nature of the unwinding – exacerbated by workforce challenges and resulting in an uneven and unsustainable renewal volume in many states – CMS concludes that the unwinding constitutes an administrative emergency that justifies exceptions to the…
What to expect from Census data this fall on Child/Adult Coverage Levels?
As readers of SayAhhh! know, Georgetown CCF does an annual report on children’s coverage every fall using the most recent data from the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS), which is typically released in September. This year, the 2023 data will be released on September 12th; the Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey (CPS) Annual Social…