The Rate Of Uninsured Children Is Creeping Up Across Colorado And The US, And Hispanic Kids Are Even Less Likely To Be Insured

Colorado Public Radio By: Claire Cleveland In 2019, there were about 58,000 kids in Colorado who were uninsured. That’s nearly the population of Grand Junction. Rewind to 2015 and a historic low of 2.5 percent, or an estimated 33,000 children in Colorado, were uninsured, according to data compiled by the Colorado Health Institute. In 2016, the nation […]

Leading Children’s Health Groups Urge Lawmakers and Administration to Address Troubling Trends in Children’s Uninsurance

American Academy of Pediatrics Leading children’s health groups are urging comprehensive and immediate action by Congress and the Administration to protect and improve access to health care coverage for all children. The call to action comes on the heels of recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau showing that 320,000 fewer children had health insurance […]