Proposed Medicaid Premiums Challenge Coverage for Florida’s Children and Parents

Florida’s proposed changes to its Medicaid program include a requirement for nearly all Medicaid beneficiaries, including children, who are enrolled in managed-care plans to pay a $10 monthly premium as a condition for Medicaid eligibility. This could result in 800,000 Florida children and parents – the majority of them children in very-low-income families –leaving Florida Medicaid and losing access to health coverage because they cannot afford the premium. In this policy brief, Georgetown Health Policy Institute researchers Jack Hoadley and Joan Alker, with support from the Jessie Ball duPont Fund and the Winter Park Health Foundation, provide analysis of the proposed Medicaid premiums in Florida.

For more information on the Health Policy Institute’s project assessing Florida’s Medicaid Reform go to: http://hpi.georgetown.edu/floridamedicaid/.

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