Telehealth — A “Glimmer of Hope” on Health Care Front

New America Media

By Eric Licas

ORANGE, Calif. — Lawmakers, medical professionals and other advocates for accessible health care say technology that allows providers to remotely see patients will dramatically improve the availability of medical services.

Removing language barriers allows for more efficient communication between doctors and patients that can lead to more effective diagnoses and treatment, according to the President of The Children’s Partnership (TCP), Mayra Alvarez.

Telehealth technologies have existed for a number of years and are compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), but apprehensions regarding privacy and the quality of care that it can provide persist among many potential patients. However, advocacy groups and telehealth supporters like Alvarez note that online tools have become integrated into a number of sensitive fields like banking and online commerce. She characterized many of those lingering concerns as outdated misconceptions.

“Technology is an aspect in so many parts of our lives,” said Alvarez in an interview with NAM following the presentation. “Why shouldn’t we empower consumers of healthcare by utilizing technology?”

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