Low-Income Families with Children Will Be Harmed by South Carolina’s Proposed Medicaid Work Reporting Requirement

[Editor’s Note: On March 4, 2019 South Carolina posted a revised application for state public comment.]


South Carolina officials are proposing that very low-income parents and caregivers who qualify for Medicaid fulfill new reporting requirements to show they are working at least 80 hours a month or participating in job- training activities — or face the loss of their health coverage. The state is seeking a Section 1115 Medicaid demonstration waiver from the federal government to implement this plan. If approved, it could mean that many of South Carolina’s poorest parents lose health coverage altogether: They could make too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to afford private insurance even if they find new jobs. Or they may lose their coverage as a result of getting tangled up in new reporting requirements.

View the Section 1115 demonstration application.

Full Report

The full report can be downloaded here.

Call Recording

Download and listen to the press call.