Webinar: Federal Medicaid Cuts & What’s at Stake for State Budgets and Families

The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families (CCF) held a special virtual session of our new Child Medicaid Policy Institute (CMPI) on Tuesday, December 17 at 2 pm ET.

What: CMPI seeks to educate health advocates, providers, other stakeholders, and policymakers on the fundamentals of the Medicaid program and its importance for children, families, and other low-income individuals. The next Congress and the Administration are likely to consider proposals to radically restructure Medicaid, make other federal funding cuts to Medicaid and make it harder for states to finance their share of Medicaid costs. This public webinar provides an overview of how states, faced with these large cost-shifts, will have no choice but to make severe cuts to their Medicaid programs. It is also likely that in tandem with these financing changes, Congress and the Administration will consider additional proposals allowing states to cut their Medicaid programs in the areas of enrollment, eligibility and benefits that are not currently permitted. The webinar provides an overview of these proposals as well.


Moderated by Georgetown CCF’s Executive Director, Joan Alker & Adam Searing

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Please contact childhealth@georgetown.edu with any questions.