Future of Children’s Health Coverage: Next Steps for CHIP

The Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) has established itself as a critical piece of the federal/state response to children’s health care needs. In addition to covering over 6 million children directly, CHIP has spurred outreach and enrollment simplification efforts that have resulted in more eligible children receiving Medicaid. Though children enrolled in separate CHIP programs […]

Continuous Coverage in Medicaid and CHIP

Executive Summary Continuous health insurance coverage produces a broad array of benefits across the health care sector for individuals, states, health plans, and providers. In particular, Medicaid continuous eligibility promotes health equity by limiting gaps in coverage for low-income children and adults who experience disproportionate rates of health disparities. Consistent access to health care, including […]

A Guide for Child Health Advocates: Medicaid Managed Care Accountability Through Transparency

Medicaid, Managed Care, and Transparency Medicaid is the nation’s largest health insurer for children—over 35 million at last count—and pays for nearly half of the nation’s births. It offers a comprehensive pediatric benefit—Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment (EPSDT) services—for children and comprehensive maternity care for pregnant women. In most states, Medicaid agencies contract […]

Urgent Action Needed to Catch Up on Routine Childhood Vaccinations

Introduction Vaccines are a safe and effective method of reducing the burden of infectious disease. On an individual level, they prevent severe illness, death, and long-term consequences of disease such as neurological disorders. On the community level, they forestall dangerous outbreaks of infectious disease and save money that would otherwise be spent on treating preventable […]