Unwinding Continuous Coverage
Hundreds of Thousands of Children Could Lose Coverage in Florida Alone as U.S. Approaches High Stakes Medicaid Unwinding
As readers of SayAhhh! know, Congress has given the green light to states to begin checking eligibility for all Medicaid beneficiaries who have been protected from disenrollment by federal law since the Families First Covid Relief Act passed in March 2020. Terminations can begin on April 1, 2023; states have a year to complete the…
Webinar Series: Unwinding the COVID-19 Medicaid Continuous Eligibility Provision
When the COVID-19 public health emergency ends, state Medicaid agencies face the daunting task of resuming normal eligibility and enrollment operations. It’s imperative that community partners and other stakeholders focus on this unprecedented challenge to help ensure that eligible children and families do not lose Medicaid coverage during the unwinding. The Center on Budget and…
Unwinding Wednesday #17: It’s Imperative for States to Use the 2023 Federal Poverty Levels During the Unwinding
The Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) has released the 2023 federal poverty levels (FPL). As expected, there was a notable increase in the poverty threshold stemming from inflation that will help families keep pace with rising costs. On average, the FPLs rose by about 8 percent, ranging from 7.3…
Unwinding Wednesday #16: Are State Eligibility Systems Ready for the Unwinding?
As we approach the starting line for unwinding the Medicaid continuous coverage protection on March 31, 2023, states are busy finalizing their unwinding plans and making sure their systems are ready to go. Medicaid IT systems are complex, and yet they are at the heart of eligibility and enrollment. Done well, systems can greatly streamline…
CMS Releases Key Information on Unwinding the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Requirement
CMCS has released a timely informational bulletin (CIB) with details about the implementation of the unwinding provisions enacted by Congress just before the end of the year. As previously described in this blog, the 2023 Consolidated Appropriations Act (CAA) ends the Medicaid continuous coverage protection as of March 31, 2023. While the CAA does not…
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023: Medicaid and CHIP Provisions Explained
On December 29, 2022, President Biden signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 (P.L. 117-328).[1] The Consolidated Appropriations Act includes a number of provisions related to Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). This includes, among others, delinking the Medicaid continuous coverage requirement from the COVID-19 public health emergency and starting its unwinding…
Unwinding Wednesday #15: Congress Proposes to End Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection in Early 2023; Adds Transparency and Accountability Requirements
[Editor’s Note: The bipartisan spending plan was approved by Congress and signed into law by the President on December 29, 2022. Read CCF’s brief to learn more.] The text of the omnibus spending plan released by Congress would allow states to resume Medicaid disenrollments after the end of the first quarter…
Medicaid Unwinding Will Begin in April but There’s Good News in Congressional Funding Agreement
[Editor’s Note: The bipartisan spending plan was approved by Congress and signed into law by the President on December 29, 2022. Read CCF’s brief to learn more.] Congress has just reached an end of the year funding agreement, and it has very significant implications for the more than 90 million people who rely on Medicaid…
Unwinding Wednesday #14: More States Make Unwinding-Related Materials Publicly Available
Just over three months ago, we published our 50-State Unwinding Tracker, kicking off our Unwinding Wednesday blog series. As we approach the end of the year, I want to reflect on the progress we’ve seen in our tracker of states publishing information and taking steps toward preparing for the unwinding. In our tracker, we identified…
Lesson from Pandemic: Medicaid Continuous Coverage Works!
New report on child health coverage shows improvement in child health coverage, reversing a negative trend prior to pandemic This year’s annual report on child health coverage is out after a hiatus last year due to the lack of available Census data. We’re happy to report some good news. The rate of uninsured children declined from…
Unwinding Wednesday #13: New Unwinding Resources, Including State-Specific Renewal Flyers
We are pleased to share new content on our unwinding resource page. State-Specific Renewal Flyers We are particularly pleased to announce the addition of state-specific renewal flyers that include the state agency website and toll-free numbers. One set of flyers also includes the income eligibility levels for children and adults, the other does not. The…
Unwinding Wednesday #12: More States Are Taking Advantage of Flexibilities Aimed at Mitigating Gaps in Coverage during Unwinding
A few months ago, we wrote about new data from CMS on approvals of time-limited waivers, or (e)(14) waivers, that states may adopt to smooth the unwinding process and mitigate unnecessary gaps in coverage. Only 20 states had been approved for these temporary waivers at the time the data was initially released. Since then, the…
Number of Uninsured Children Stabilized and Improved Slightly During the Pandemic
Data released by the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey (ACS) for 2021 finds that nationally the estimated number and rate of uninsured children went down slightly from 2019 to 2021. This data provides the first comprehensive look at what happened to children with respect to this metric during the first part of the COVID-19…
Are Medicaid Enrollees Aware that Medicaid Renewals Will Restart Soon?
A new brief by the Urban Institute indicates that nearly two-thirds of adults (62 percent) who are covered by or have a Medicaid-enrolled family member are unaware that Medicaid renewals will be restarting in the future. Of those who had heard at least a little about the resumption of renewals, the largest source of information…
Unwinding Wednesday #11: No 60-day Notice on the Unwinding; PHE Expected to Be Extended Until April 2023
[Editor’s Note: The end-of-year bipartisan funding agreement released on December 20 would delink the continuous coverage requirement from the HHS Secretary’s declaration of a public health emergency and start the Medicaid “unwinding” process on April 1. The agreement includes 12 months of continuous coverage for children and other provisions designed to protect individuals eligible for…
Unwinding Wednesday #10: FAQs Provide Additional Clarity on State Options Before and During the Unwinding
Over the past two years, CMS has published a wealth of resources designed to aid states in the unwinding process. These documents, which provide guidance and lay out flexibilities available to states, are available on a single landing page on Medicaid.gov. In our tenth installment of Unwinding Wednesday, we are highlighting a recent addition to…
Unwinding Wednesday #9: CMS Should Add the Unwinding Supplemental Data to the Medicaid Performance Indicators
In last week’s Unwinding Wednesday blog, my colleague Allie Gardner noted that CMS is requiring states to provide supplemental data for monitoring the unwinding of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection. These data are in addition to the performance indicator data that states have been required to submit monthly since 2013. But … the supplemental data…
Unwinding Wednesday #8: Key Data to Monitor Unwinding of the Medicaid Continuous Coverage Protection (Part 2)
As we prepare for the eventual end of the Medicaid continuous coverage protection, a key focus here at CCF has been on monitoring the unwinding process. In last week’s Unwinding Wednesday, my colleague Tricia Brooks highlighted data such as the Medicaid and CHIP performance indicator (PI) data that can be useful in monitoring the unwinding.…