This Grandparent’s Day, Let’s Build a Brighter Future for Our Grandchildren

LauraBrennamansmallBy Laura Brennaman, Florida CHAIN

As a grandmother, nothing is more important to me than the health and well-being of my grandchildren. Health care coverage is essential to providing my grandchildren and all grandkids with the opportunity to reach their full potential. Health coverage not only provides our grandchildren with the care they need to stay healthy so they can show up for school ready to learn, research shows it helps them grow into healthier more successful adults. That is something we all wish for our grandkids.

Not everyone can afford private health insurance for their children or grandchildren so it is essential that we provide affordable opportunities for caregivers to take care of their children’s health. No public program does more for children’s health and well-being than Medicaid, which was created 50 years ago along with Medicare. The creation of Medicaid and Medicare show America at it’s best as our nation’s leaders made a commitment to care for those who need help the most.

This grandparent’s day, let’s keep in mind this quote by one of the leaders present at the signing of the law creating Medicaid and Medicare as we renew our commitment to keeping these lifelines in place for future generations of Americans.

“It was once said that the moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the elderly; and those who are in the shadows of life, the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”
— Hubert H. Humphrey

Please watch this short video showing how Medicaid is helping to build a brighter future for our children and grandchildren.

Medicaid Helps Florida’s Children and Families Get the Care They Need to Succeed from Georgetown CCF on Vimeo.