Webinar: The Truth about Fraud Against Medicaid

The Georgetown University Center for Children and Families invites you to a special session of our new Child Medicaid Policy Institute (CMPI) on Tuesday, January 28 at 2pm ET. This webinar is free and open to the public. 

CMPI seeks to educate child health advocates, providers, other stakeholders, and policymakers on the fundamentals of the Medicaid program and its importance for children, families, and other low-income individuals. Leaders in Congress are singling out Medicaid for deep and damaging cuts. To justify this radical change, some proponents have been trying to undermine Medicaid by dusting off spurious talking points that lean heavily into waste, fraud, and abuse (WFA). This webinar will review the facts about WFA in Medicaid, the tools available to state and federal agencies to prevent WFA, and the mismatch between the amount of WFA and the massive cuts in federal Medicaid payments to states now under discussion.


Moderated by Georgetown CCF’s Adam Searing

Download the Presentation Slides

Please contact childhealth@georgetown.edu with any questions.
