Two New Reports Focus on Arizona Children Who Lost CHIP Coverage and Lessons Learned for Future

Fourteen thousand children in Arizona lost their health insurance at the end of January 2014 when the state ended its KidsCare program for low-income children, becoming the only state in the country without an active Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Two new reports released by the Georgetown University Center for Children and Families today focus on how those cuts to children’s coverage impacted Arizona families and what lessons can be learned from Arizona’s experience for the upcoming national debate on the future of CHIP.

Living Without KidsCare: Insights from Parents of Children Who Lost Their Health Coverage When Arizona Scaled Back Its Children’s Health Insurance Program” is based on focus group research and interviews conducted by PerryUndem Research and Communications.

Children’s Coverage in Arizona: A Cautionary Tale for the Future of the Children’s Health Insurance Program” examines the Arizona experience and its implications from a national perspective.